
Version numbers

The Helfertool uses version numbers aligned with semantic versioning.

X . Y . Z


Breaking changes that require manual intervention during update
or remove feautes.

X . Y . Z


New features and changes that should not break your workflows

X . Y . Z


Bug and security fixes for the Helfertool

Additionally to the Helfertool versions, the Docker containers have a build version that is just the build date in RFC3339 / ISO8601 format in UTC (e.g. 2020-04-04T09:11:20+00:00).

Release series

Versions with the same major and minor version form a release series, named like 1.0.x. Relase series are used to tag the Docker containers, the patch version of the Helfertool and container version are not included in the Docker tags.

Every release series contains one or more new features and changes. New patch versions within one release series then only fix potential issues. It is recommended to update to the newest version when it is released, as the Docker containers for older versions are not updated anymore. They may therefore contain outdated software with vulnerabilities.

Latest release

Relase series

Latest release

Release date





The following Docker tags can be used to refer to a certain release series:

  • latest: The latest, but (hopefully) stable release

  • 1.0.x: The latest version in a specific release series

  • dev: the current dev Git branch (not stable)